【翻訳】Dependency Injection 入門
You're in the car business, your job is to make cars on-demand. The object-oriented programmer in you says: "no problem, I'll make a blueprint that I can use to make as many cars as I want!".
class Car
public function drive()
// ...
For this car to work, it needs an engine and wheels. Now, there are several approaches to achieve that goal. You could, for example, do the following:
class Car
public function __construct()
$this->engine = new Engine();
$this->wheels = [
new Wheel(), new Wheel(),
new Wheel(), new Wheel(),
public function drive() { ... }
There's the blueprint for every car you'll make! Next up, your boss comes to you and says there's a new client and he wants an electric car.
So you end up doing this.
class ElectricCar extends Car
public function __construct()
$this->engine = new ElectricEngine();
"Beautifully solved"—you think. There's of course that redundant normal engine that's created when calling parent::__construct(), but at least you could re-use the wheels!
もちろん、parent :: __ construct()を呼び出すときに作成される冗長なエンジンがありますが、少なくともホイールは再利用できます
I think you can see where this is going. The next client wants a car with some fancy wheel covers, another one would like a diesel engine with those same wheel covers, another one requests a race car, and the last one wants a self driving car.
Oh—there also was a client who wanted to buy an engine to build a boat with himself, but you told your boss that wouldn't be possible.
ああ - 自分でボートを建造するためにエンジンを購入したいというクライアントもいましたが、あなたは不可能だとあなたの上司に言いました。
After a while, there's a ton of blueprints in your office, each describing a very specific variation of a car. You started with a neatly ordered pile of blueprints. But after a while you had to group them in different folders and boxes, because it was taking too long to find the blueprint you're looking for.
あなたはきれいに整えられた青写真の山から始めました。 しかししばらくすると、探している青写真を見つけるのに時間がかかりすぎたため、それらを異なるフォルダやボックスにグループ化する必要がありました。
Object oriented programmers often fall into this trap of inheritance, ending in a completely messed up codebase. So let's look at a better approach. Maybe you've heard about "composition over inheritance" before?
あなたは以前に"composition over inheritance"(継承よりも合成)について聞いたことがありますか?
Composition over inheritance is the principle that classes should achieve polymorphic behavior and code reuse by their composition rather than inheritance from a base or parent class—Wikipedia
Composition over inheritanceとは、基本クラスや親クラスからの継承ではなく、構成によって多態的な振る舞いとコードの再利用を実現するという原則です - Wikipedia
That's a lot of buzzwords. Let's just look at our car example. The principle states that Car should achieve its polymorphic behaviour by being composed of other classes.
Composition over inheritanceはバズワードです。
私たちの車の例を見てみましょう。 その原則は、Carが他のクラスから構成されることによってその多形的振る舞いを達成するべきであると述べています。
The word polymorphic literally means "many shapes" and implies that Car should be able to do drive in many different ways, depending on the context it's used in.
With code reuse, we're trying to make code reusable; so that we don't end up with tens of classes doing almost exectly the same.
What does this have to do with dependency injection
Instead of making a unique blueprint that describes every single possible variation of a car, we'd rather have Car do one thing, and do it good: drive.
This means it shouldn't be the car's concern how its engine is built, what wheels it has attached. It should only know the following thing:Given a working engine and four wheels, I'm able to drive!
We could say that in order for Car to work, it needs an engine and wheels. In other words: Car depends on Engine and a collection of Wheels.
Those dependencies should be given to the car. Or, said otherwise: injected.